Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Xbox One Has Been Revealed, But Where Are The Games?

Note: This is a rant.  For those unfamiliar with my rants, I tend to cuss a lot.  You've been warned.

After all the rumors and speculation, today Microsoft finally showcased their newest console at a press event in Redmond, the Xbox One.  It has responsive voice commands, plays live TV, multitasks kinda like Windows 8's split-screen feature works, and there's some fantasy football shit and some other kinda TV bullshit and a fucking Halo TV series and you can Skype people (yay, it can finally do what my cell phone has been able to do for the past 4 fucking years; I'll plan the parade).

Don't get me wrong here; I liked a lot of what I saw.  It was damned cool!  The new Xbox has a lot of very impressive features...except for apparently the ability to play fucking games.  Did any of you watch the press event?  I counted; it was 28 fucking minutes before they even started talking about games.  They brought EA studios on stage to talk about their games, and they pretty much played a sizzle reel with a bunch of CG bullshit, and then it was on to talking about a Halo TV show (but not a game, why would they be talking about a game?) that apparently Steven Spielberg is involved with but didn't care enough to actually show up at the fucking event.

Then they started talking about the fantasy football shit, and just when I thought that they might show me something, they began to wrap up the show!  I was getting really upset at this point (I'll explain why in a bit), when they finally started talking about showing a game!  Just when I was getting my hopes up, they said the words Call of Duty.  I disconnected the livestream right then and there.

A couple of months back Sony revealed the PlayStation 4 and took a lot of grief for not showing what the console looked like.  Their argument was that what it looked like wasn't important; they showed the controller (the part of the console you'll spend 99% of your time interacting with) and they showed what it can do.  "That," they argued, "is what matters to gamers."  They were fucking right.  Here, look at this:

That's the Xbox One.  It's a fucking box with a slot in it so you can put a Blu-Ray into it.  Would you have rather known that or did you maybe want to see some of the fucking games that this games console can play?  During Sony's PS4 reveal, they showed off the features of the controller, they showed off the new interface, and they showed us actual games running the fucking console.  Meanwhile, hey at least we know that I can watch How I Met Your Mother live on the Xbox One...just like I can on the shit I already have.

Microsoft has a real chance to get me this generation, but unless they straight-up blow the doors off the place at E3, Sony is getting my money next generation.  At least they still know that at the end of the day, it's all about the games.

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